About Us
Our Mission
Our mission is exclusively educational and is as follows:
To aid and encourage persons in the researching, processing, and recording of genealogical information and data.
To assist individuals in tracing their ancestry and compiling family histories by means of lectures and educational workshops.
To aid in the collection, indexing, preservation, and publication of the records of this and related areas of Ohio.
To further support the objectives of the Ohio Genealogical Society (OGS), and to encourage membership in both CVGS and OGS.
Chapter Member
Honors and Awards
Over the years, many of our members have been inducted into the First Families of Ohio, a lineage society of the Ohio Genealogical Society, and the Cuyahoga County Lineage Society. Many are also actively involved in other genealogical societies, including the Polish Genealogical Society of Greater Cleveland, New England American Ancestors, and the New York Genealogical Society.
Our newsletter editor, Martha Niehaus, has volunteered her skills to OGS since 2019 when the organization chose her design as the winner of the 2021 Conference logo design contest. The logo, which speaks to the theme for the 2021 conference — Bringin’ It Home — was used on all things conference, including bags, social media, publications, and publicity. She continues to design conference materials and logos.
Footsteps Receives OGS Award
At the 2022 OGS Conference, CVGS’ newsletter, Footsteps, received the Frances Dana Gage award for outstanding chapter newsletter. OGS President Dot Martin, right, presents the award to CVGS President Bobbi Hamm (left) and newsletter editor Martha Niehaus (center).
We’re grateful to Martha for her hard work and dedication to Footsteps. Thank you!
Outstanding Book: Independence Township Cemeteries
In Spring 2017, the Fellows and Awards Committee of the Ohio Genealogical Society (OGS) presented the Lida Flint Harshman Award to CVGS for its publication Independence Township Cemeteries, 3rd Ed. This annual award was created to recognize outstanding books produced by an OGS chapter or special interest group of the society. CVGS President Roberta Hamm and Mary Boehnlein accepted the award.
Current Officers 2019-2021
OGS President
Dorothea Martin
OGS District Trustees
Deborah Abbott
Mary Jamba
President: Roberta Hamm
Vice President: Jane Gramlich
Recording Secretary: Paula Berghauser
Corresponding Secretary: Barb Schworm
Treasurer: Carol Schroeder
Past President: Mary Boehnlein
Committee Chairs:
Membership: {Open}
Editor: Martha Niehaus
Publicity: Barb Schworm
CVGS Historian: Roberta Hamm
Publishing: {Open}
Hospitality & Volunteer: Jo Ann Kubicki
Don Kozlowski*
Ron Kraine
Mary Boehnlein 2013-2017
Bobbi Hamm
For over 40 years CVGS has had 15 dedicated genealogists serve as President. These enthusiastic people as well as other officers and members have helped to make CVGS what it is today.
(Presidents Sutton through Huskonen reprinted from “Footsteps to the Past” 2008-Special Edition.)